I am begining to understand that the desception of the matrix in ways deeper than imagined and it is digusting. Species banking is becoming big business…and it is putting a “worth” on nature. The deception forms as many are participating thinking they are “protecting” nature. It appears good…and it is not. The worth of a species or a sector of nature is now determined by the law of economics – when there is low supply, demand and value increases.
Under the layers….more is being revealled. Can economics blend with ecology?
“Eco” is our dwelling, our house. “Ology” is the study, observation and learning. Nomics is “law”. The study of our dwelling and the law of our dwelling. Again, can they be blended?
Giving “credit” to nature is how the matrix is connecting ecology and economics. It is already big business as it snuck in from the sidelines disguising as something “good” for nature. It gives value on nature as exchangable credits…good credits offset bad credits. It is giving permision for destruction as long as good credits are held.
Biodiversity is now an economic farm of capital, nature capital. This is the business of nature. They have made nature a commodity.
We have been trying to save nature because it is the “right thing to do” and systems have been created to “save”. My gosh, this is so horrible. The scales have tipped…and the pricelessness of nature is now given value. Whenever we put a “value” on nature, we are participating. I don’t know what the answer is…and I am not sure we will find one now other than taking a good look out our personal selves and where it is participates in that Matrix and buy into it.
Personally, I am committed to doing more research and taking a good scrutinizing look at the model created for Living Ground. Where is it buying into this matrix? Where can it be separated so that it is NOT in that matrix?
Philosophically, this is a challenge! But it is not impossible. Our task at Living Ground is to consider and ensure we are not swallowed into the matrix. We are not sure how to do this…but placing attention on this the future.
To start, we are detailing our “values manifesto” so that now and in the future, it is a map or frame-work so that deceipt can not penetrate. We also are considering offering a mandatory “Living Ground Boot Camp” mini course for any current and future leader of Living Ground. This mini course will educate on the “little guys” and challenge the programs of our thinking and concieving that has been muddied and muddlied form our cultural learning. All leaders must go through this mini course!
Our task now is research and deep thought. I think it is time to change the view of “as above, so below” to “so below as above”. What can the community of microbes teach us about operating?