• Live Blood Analysis
  • Microbial inoculants (Microbe Compost, Extacts & Teas and Aged Organic Matter)
  • Products: Fermented foods/probiotics for gut health
  • Herbal Tinctures & Essential Oils
  • Homesteading/self-sufficiency skills training
  • Land and Garden Consultations on designing integrated farm/garden ecosystems
  • Organic Seeds & Plants
  • Upick from our multiple Market Gardens

coming soon

  • Online Coures 
    Soil Microbiome & Regenerative Gardening
    Live Blood Analysis for the Lay person
    Human Microbiome and Kitchen Alchemy
  • Microbe Cafe and Natural Health Food Store
  • Plant Nursery

living ground, suelo vivo project

Living Ground is a pioneering project in southern Ecuador – a living manifestation of transformative actions for self-reliance. We are actively creating and practicing principles like soil microbe farming, market gardens, live blood analysis, and an on-site commercial kitchen and apothecary.

More than just an educational center, Living Ground is a thriving ecosystem embracing sustainable living and nurturing a deep connection with nature as nature intended. Our hands-on approach allows visitors to immerse themselves in regenerative practices and holistic well-being. We are growing market and medicinal gardens, food forests while exemplifying new earth principles of self-reliance.

This is a transformative journey to share invaluable knowledge, develop practical skills, and experience living in harmony with the natural world. Explore our microbe tourism, apprenticeships, and educational offerings (online and on-site) for a path towards self-reliance.



We are humbly seeking support to cover the weekly wages of our dedicated team of local Ecuadorians who are helping us raise Living Ground and are being trained to be leaders in the project. Currently, we employ 4 full-time and 3 part-time local Ecuadorians, amounting to $615 per week. As our local team works tirelessly, they acquire invaluable skills to make a positive impact in their community and across Ecuador.

This weekly wage is currently being self-funded by Leisha, the visionary founder, who selflessly sustains this mission of the heart to transform the world, one microbe and human at a time.  Leisha continues to create and nurture this project site and is driven by her unwavering commitment to this cause.

Laboratory microscope analysis of soil and compost  to evaluate microbial activity and nutrient cycling.

Lab Soil Test

Beyond organic. Microbe Composts to create living soil ensuring plant and human health. These inoculants create living soil.

Compost, Extracts, Teas

Land and garden consultations to design self-reliant spaces and enhance the soil microbiome for natural and beautiful regeneration.




stay informed


Self Reliance Sharing

Boosting Curcumin Absorption: Piperine, Emulsifiers, and Gut-Friendly Options

  We have all heard of taking turmeric (curcumin) with black pepper (piperine) to enhance the bioavailability and absorption of curcumin. Piperine, the bioactive compound found in black pepper, has been shown to significantly increase...
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Health At Home Ebook

Rediscover the Wisdom of Our Ancestors - Get Your Free E-Book   Rediscover holistic self-care with your free "Health at Home" ebook - subscribe today! In a world of mass-produced products and quick pharmaceutical fixes,...
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What is Live Blood Analysis?

  The Revealing Truth: Doctor's Blood Tests vs Live Blood Analysis When it comes to understanding our health, the blood holds many secrets. While we're all familiar with getting blood tests from the doctor, there's...
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Kitchen Alchemy Course Manual

  Except from the Kitchen Alchemy course manual to be launched very soon..... It is the intention of this book, "Kitchen Alchemy", to transport you into a vibrant garden, where the boundaries between nature and...
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Secret Garden’s Book Nearing Completion

' I'm thrilled to share exciting developments at the Living Ground Project Site – the creation of a secret garden soon to be home to 54 versatile plants, thriving globally. As part of my recent...
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Human Self-Reliance: Living Ground’s (Leisha’s) Call for Support

Living Ground's journey is at a crucial juncture, and I'm reaching out for your support. Currently, I'm personally covering the weekly wages of our dedicated local staff, amounting to $615 per week. The responsibility is...
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Permaculture Job In Paute

Working very hard Congratulations to the Living Ground Team for completing a successful two-week permaculture project in Tomebamba near Paute, Cuenca! The team built a chicken coop and house, a worm compost bin, a beautiful...
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The Soil Sponge: A Cradle of Life

  In the face of an escalating climate crisis that is daily headline news,  it is obvious humanity stands at a crossroads looking at the destruction we have caused.   Perhaps, at that crossroads, we should...
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Leisha’s December Muse – Why I Am Passionate About Microbes

  In the face of change, many of us feel a sense of helplessness, convinced that the magnitude of the environmental and collective crisis is beyond our individual reach. We observe the vastness of Nature,...
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Fire Restoration Thoughts

  Like many places in the world, our local area has experience and rash of crazy and intense fires threatening the living ground of our nature and soil.  Prevention work is important.    One local...
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Living Ground Creates: From Microbes to Permacutlure

  Living Ground has been very busy working with clients to create their dream spaces.   We are creating sustainable landscapes and vibrant ecosystem . Our recent project included a food forest, a medicinal and food...
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Living Soil Yum Booster: Humic and Fulvic Acid, Azolla, Comfrey, Yarrow & Nettle

  The success of your garden begins with one fundamental factor – its soil and the microbes. This ensures a flourishing garden.  Living Soil Yum is our latest, tested all natural product to help our...
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Fire Flowers & Humans

    When contemplating the wondrous process by which plants convert sunlight into sustenance, it's a reminder of the vast diversity of life.  Much of our world is on fire!   Some is natural and some...
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Microbes and Death

  Death is the ultimate mystery, but did you know that our bodies are home to trillions of microscopic friends that help us function during life? These little microbes break down our food, produce vitamins,...
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Coffee Farmer Success

Here is Dr Carlos, a local coffee farmer and year one for this coffee farm!   Dr. Carlos Iñigues is a doctor of Ecohydrology and is the co-owner of Vinka coffee farm in Loja province, Ecuador....
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Minga Planting the 2nd Market Garden

  Having fun planting our Market Garden number 2 at the Project Site.  This garden will supply the food for our Upick Customers (every Friday 9-12) along ith our Market Garden One.   It will also...
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Uncovering the Microbial World: An Exploration

  One thing I have learned in my life is to question everything?   Things are not always as they seem!   For one to know or hold truth, one has to wade through a sea of...
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How To Care For Microbe Compost

  This is not just compost!   This is carefully crafted, microscope tested Microbe Compost!    We ensure all the good guys are home!    We do not filter our compost as we care for the...
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GcMAF Probiotic Berry Yogurt: A Unique and Powerful Probiotic Supplement

  At Living Ground we are always researching and creating products to help the micriobiome (that includes for the soil and the human). Introducing a new product that combines the power of bovine colostrum, yogurt,...
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One Year! Living Ground’s Birthday!

  September 1, 2023,  marks the one year anniversary for tThe Living Ground Project.   One year ago today, we took over our first microbe compost site.    What a year it has been! A year...
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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we are actively offering land consults to assist landowners, farmers, and gardeners in regenerating and rejuvenating their soil. Leisha holds a prestigious certification as a Consultant from, and Nic is in the final stages of completing the same program. As a dedicated team, we are thrilled to conduct comprehensive soil testing and provide you with a detailed report outlining the best course of action for your specific land. Our pricing is tailored to the unique needs of your property, ranging from $200 to $500. For further details and to schedule an appointment, please reach out to us at We look forward to helping your land thrive and flourish!

Yes we are. We have spent 8 months perfecting our microbe farm and have product available to the public. Please visit our store for more details

That’s wonderful to hear! Yes, you are more than welcome to get involved with our project. We regularly host “mingas” (volunteer days) where you can actively participate and contribute to our mission. Additionally, we are actively engaged in fundraising efforts to support our cause, and you can find detailed information about our creative work and expansion in our Press Kit at Your support is invaluable, and we encourage you to share our mission with your family and friends, as well as consider making a donation – every contribution, no matter how small, is deeply appreciated. There are various ways you can join us on this incredible journey, and we extend a warm invitation to visit our Project Site for a guided tour. We look forward to having you as part of our community!

Great news! You can easily get a soil test done through our soil testing lab. We specialize in microbiology soil tests and provide our clients with comprehensive results tailored to the specific crops you are growing. Along with the test results, we offer customized recommendations and solutions to improve your soil health. To get started, please visit our Store Soil test page, where we provide detailed instructions on how to collect a soil sample and send it to our lab for analysis. Once we receive your sample, our team will work diligently to analyze it and provide you with the valuable insights you need to optimize your soil and cultivate a thriving garden. We look forward to assisting you on your journey towards healthier and more productive soil!

Absolutely! We are delighted to welcome you to our Microbe and Health Air BnB, where you can fully immerse yourself in the fascinating world of soil and human health. Here, you can experience the wonders of nature at its best and have access to a wide range of health services and products. Our offerings include Live Blood Analysis, transformative healing sessions with Bowen, lymphatic, and gentle chiropractic therapies, as well as an apothecary filled with high-quality and nourishing products. During your stay, you can indulge in the healing power of our menu, which features a delightful array of healing juices, smoothies, and soups. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to explore our microbe grown market gardens, where you can select and fill a basket with the produce that resonates with your heart. Our serene environment offers a peaceful getaway, complete with a jacuzzi bath, and fully-equipped facilities to ensure a comfortable and enriching stay. For those looking to learn more about our project and the fascinating world of microbes, you are more than welcome to visit and discover the profound impact they have on soil and human health. We eagerly await your visit and the chance to share our knowledge and passion for promoting self-reliance and resilience through the power of the living ground!

Living Ground is not just a project; it is a movement driven by a passionate group of visionaries who recognize the critical importance of nurturing our soil and embracing the power of beneficial microbes. With a deep understanding that the health of our planet begins from the ground up, this revolutionary endeavor seeks to ignite change and inspire others to join the cause. At the heart of Living Ground lies an educational hub where individuals can immerse themselves in a world of knowledge, discovery, and transformation. The core of Living Ground’s mission is to empower people with the wisdom and tools needed to foster resilience and sustainability. Through a multifaceted approach, the project encompasses a diverse range of interconnected components, each contributing to a holistic journey of self-sufficiency. From the sacred dance of microbes enriching the soil to the bountiful garden that yields nourishing produce, Living Ground thrives as a living example of harmonious coexistence with nature. Embracing a vision of interconnectedness, Living Ground embraces various facets of life, from the healing sanctuary that fosters natural well-being to the educational center that imparts timeless wisdom. At the heart of this remarkable initiative is a profound commitment to fostering a resilient and self-reliant community. With a living laboratory of nature’s wonders, Living Ground emerges as a sanctuary for all, where the journey to sustainability and healing begins, transcending boundaries and leading humanity towards a brighter, greener future.

Microbe compost, also known as microbial compost or bioactive compost, is different from organic compost primarily because of its emphasis on promoting the growth and activity of beneficial microorganisms. While both types of compost start with organic materials like kitchen scraps, yard waste, and plant debris, microbe compost undergoes a specific process to cultivate a diverse and thriving community of microorganisms. In the case of microbe compost, the composting process is carefully managed to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that contribute to soil health. These microbes break down organic matter more efficiently, releasing nutrients in a form that plants can readily absorb. The enhanced microbial activity in microbe compost helps improve soil structure, nutrient availability, and overall plant health, making it a potent natural fertilizer and soil conditioner. On the other hand, traditional organic composting methods may not focus on fostering a robust microbial community, leading to compost that still provides some nutrients to plants but may not have the same level of microbe diversity and activity as microbe compost. This difference in microbial content sets microbe compost apart as a more potent and biologically active soil amendment, providing numerous benefits for plant growth and overall soil health.