We do not recommend fresh wood chips. Fresh wood chips need to be off-gased to remove the “anti” (against) compounds that are in the trees used here for wood planks (pine, eucalyptus, cedar, etc). Over time Mother Nature will deal with this…but it is like going one step forward and two back. Fresh wood chips also remove carbon (and nitrogen) in the beginning. Again, over time it will give it back. But why go back?
- This compost is alive. It is filled with beneficial microorganisms and must be cared for if not used within 3 days.
- Keep the compost out of direct sunlight, UV causes damage to micro-life, store Indoors at ambient temperature.
- Extreme heat or cold can change the microbial environment.
- Moisture is important to micro-life. Use a spray bottle or mist nozzle and chlorine/chloramine free water to keep this small amount of compost moist. Mist the top as necessary to keep the moisture at a level when the material sticks together in your hand, like chocolate cake would if smashed into a ball.
- Overwatering can lead to anaerobic conditions, if you ever feel you have gotten the material too wet, just spread it out a bit and make sure oxygen can get to all parts of the compost. If the material becomes completely dry remoisten slowly to avoid overwatering.
- Use a paint strainer bag or compost tea bag add (2-3lbs) of compost inside the bag and then using a 5-gallon bucket as a vessel for water make the extract by moving the bag of compost around in the water. Agitate the material without smashing or grinding the compost. We like to gently massage the compost. You will see the water turn a dark chocolatey color as you extract. This is fulvic and humic acid – a complex compound that is amazing for health (human and soil)
- Apply the extract evenly on the soil around the plants you are focused on.
- Application rates can vary greatly depending on the goal. For a very strong extract you can use up to three pound per gallon, for a very light inoculation as little a 20 pounds per acre can be used.
- Dilute as necessary for covering the space needed.
- Again, it is imporatant your soil has Organic Matter (OM). Living Ground provides aged and microbe treated OM for this purpose. OM is food for the microbes and, here in Ecuador, it is important as a mulch to protect the soils from hot sun and heavy rains.
We are very proud of our Microbe Compost and want to help our clients understand why this is so very important for health of the plants and humans. Please visit our story to order or contact us! We are happy to arrange a taxi or pick-up.
And, remember, we also offer soil testing to determine the microbiology in your soil. We are training our local staff to be able to do this for our community too…which is very exciting!
Soil Squad