The Launch Day was a success!    Below are some snap shots of the event day sharing the “happy people”.     We are still tallying up the expenses but it looks like we raised $1000!  Thank you Vilcabamba!       

Our Soil Squad gave it our all to serve and present to our community and share the mission and vision on Living Ground ~ Suelo Vivo.   Our compost is ready and we are spreading the microbes

We continue with our Fundraising efforts as we are charged with an important mission.  There is a huge crises on the soil front as we have lost vast amounts of soil organic matter and we continue to lose soil organic matter at a rapid pace. There is a severe water stress. There is very widespread loss of biodiversity.   Collectivelly, we are heading towards disaster, food crisis and health crisis.   Our project is about reversing this damage and mimicing nature both in operations (business structure) and in restoring the soil to ensure health for all living things.       Our deadline to acquire the project site is March 15.    We continue to ask for support.  Our intuitions are strong this project will rise when the “little good guys” come together.    There is still sharing and supporting required to reach our goal.   

Will you be a part of this important project?




Here we present the Project with love, intention and courage!