Protected: Why Microscopes are Important for Soil Testing
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Outline of Living Ground Creation PODS and Set-Up (presentation)
On January 6th, the dream and vision of Living Ground ~ Suelo Vivo was presented to the community here in Southern Ecuador. The intention was to share hope that, together, we could actually enact a solution to the state of affairs we are all facing and enduring. I do feel many of us know what […]
Soil Food Web Primer
…The Soil Biology Primer represents a new era in our agency’s soil science contributions to natural resource conservation. In the past we have focused primarily on the chemical and physical properties of soil . This publication highlights another integral component of soil , its biological features. The Primer explains the importance of biological functions for […]
What Soil and Soil Diversity?
Soil. It’s our greatest treasure. It can take hundreds of years and many natural processes to make even a centimetre of soil. The mechanical and chemical weathering of rock makes up around half of any soil’s composition, with around 5% supplied by organic material, and the rest made up by air and water. Put another […]
There is an internet of nature that we are just beginning to understand. It is absolutely amazing and we are just beginning to understand and be able to measure. Together the soil food web and the trees work harmoniously. Here is a video which explains it very well, simply! Share this
The Life Beneath Our Feet
“A rainbow of soil is under our feet; red as a barn and black as a peat. It’s yellow as lemon and white as the snow; bluish gray. So many colors below. Hidden in darkness as thick as the night; The only rainbow that can form without light. Dig you a pit, or bore you […]
We Can Not Take Over Nature
It all depends how you look at it. “taking over everything” only logically is true when you look ay the fact that industrial chemical ag is what actually has already “taken over everything” and the unwanted side effects are what human hubris is guilty of picking on. Nature has its systems for cleaning up after […]