Good Morning Soil People

I write to you today with humbleness and courage. What we have done to the earth is “immoral” and non-life-supporting. We’ve harmed ourselves. How can we support and restore our earth so that it restores and supports us?
The Living Ground Project is about this…and it is a  legacy that I continue with all my might and hope it continues without me (the true meaning of success). It is time to connect and get this work into full action!
Here I present a short over view of the project.

Two of our members of the Soil Squad team have studied with Dr Elaine Ingham and we are completing the master’s program with her

At a dedicated lot in Masanamaca, we are currently active in mass producing microbe rich compost and teaching locals the art and science. We are offering and doing microscope soil tests and consulting on local lands.


Organic is not enough. Our tests show that our soils are depleted as they are all over the world. It is a critical situation. So, our primary mission is to return and restore the soil food web and educate everyone.


Recently, we chose to launch (earlier than anticipated) due to a gas company that is prospecting a site we feel is perfect for our mission. This one hectare property sits an the main highway, with 1005 m2 of structures that could be easily converted to become the Microbe Center for Ecuador and South America.


It is Microbes vs Chemicals situation…..little guys vs the big AG guys.


Living Ground is a project that can (and will) positively impact our local community, Ecuador and South America. We believe we can (and we are) co-creating an ecosystem business that enables an entire bio-region to thrive, restoring balance to Nature, nourishing microbes, plants and people, and generating improved conditions for future generations. The project puts people and microbes before profits as it is created as a collaboration and cooperation project where everyone wins.


Our Project Overview:


We have created PODS that are operations that rise form the microbe rich soils. All PODS will be inter-dependent connected to the Microbe Rich Compost and Consultancy POD. We will train and raise leaders for success in each POD (ALL PODS are underlined)

  1. Education Center: Offering Apprenticeships and Certification (locally and globally)
  2. A Microscope Laboratory for testing soils. We will train leaders in art and science and raise Consultants to go out with this message and work. We have a give back program to help locals convert and sell their harvest to Living Ground (those that can not afford this work)
  3. Restore and Protect Sacred Sites. A real estate POD dedicated to protection and teaching about restoring contaminated lands.
  4. Collaborate/utilize microbe rich plant harvests to produce gourmet foods. (Weekly Garden Cooperative, Restaurant and Tienda) (imagine sugar cane and corn fields with microbe rich soils and healthy plants) Our Restaurant and Tienda will be fashion of the Sacred Commerce operation of Cafe Gratitude. A commercial kitchen to Package Gourmet Food (elixirs, tonics, nutrient dense foods) in a fun and trendy manner.
  5. We intend also to convert local lands also for Plants for Essential Oil Production (export).
  6. Globally we want to be an experiential education center for Eco Tourism where families and individuals can experience Microbes in a full and intricate way (Hostel and Dormitory Rooms)Our business model can be replicated and duplicated and that is our intention…go grow far and wide.
Our first mission is to spread the microbes and regenerate land by spreading the knowledge that the soil food web (the microbes) is the foundational for ALL health Chronic disease is rooted in a loss of soil microbes. Our second is to train and raise leaders to successfully do this work. We intend to employ 40 people local and gringo. Our team is ready!!
If we lose this land to the Gas Company, we will continue. it will be a shame but will stay focused on this solution putting soil and people before profits.
Can you help us? Can we meet about potentials?
We are willing to share our Business Model Plan built on Sacred Commerce. We are open to investment discussions and sharing the Project Costing and Projections. We are asking for you to become a Soil Squad Team member and help support this project for everyone’s benefit now and in the future.
Thank you for your attention,
Leisha and the Soil Squad!