Are you curious about what Living Ground Project is all about?    Are you wondering how to get involved and/or support the Project?

We invite you to our base-line workshop where we dive into the creation of Living Ground, it’s purpose, mission, values and the lego blocks of the creative intentions.    This is a 2-day workshop that is also an event to help with the financial support required to begin the lift off.

Last week, we legally acquired the Project Site located in Masanamaca.   This is a one hectare land with a very large 1000 m2 building.   Our vision for this site is for it to become the Microbe Education and Tourism headquarters for Ecuador (and even South America).    The business model is is a creative construction of values and intentions to place people before profits through collaboration and interdependent “pods”.    

This workshop is a invitation for all locals to learn, discover and possibily get involved.    Day 2 is optional for those who are inspired and wish to go deeper into collaboration.   We are sharing the concept of sacred commerce, the measurement of success and intending to raise leaders in the Project’s purpose.

We, the Soil Squad, do feel this is a Project for World Changers!    We have the concept, the project site and the plan!    You are officially welcomed.

To discover why this project is important in the climate of today’s world, here are 30 base reasons (and we can find more)

Please RSVP to or whatsapp 0988771568.    We are “looking forward” and excited about this gathering.