The difference the microbes make

It’s incredible to witness the transformative impact of our microbe sprays on the property! The vibrant, bold green represents the areas we’ve treated, showcasing the efficacy of our microbial efforts. The undeniable proof of flourishing vegetation is a testament to the Living Ground Team’s dedication and the positive influence of microbes. Keep up the fantastic work, cultivating green spaces for a thriving ecosystem!


In the face of an escalating climate crisis that is daily headline news,  it is obvious humanity stands at a crossroads looking at the destruction we have caused.   Perhaps, at that crossroads, we should start to understand that the micro is the same as the macro.   For me, I am more and more convinced the land beneath our feet is a soilution.

I personally feel we are going down a dark path in human history and we need to step back and consider how nature works and how we can mimic her for restoration.   And, I beleive the answer is in water and microbes.

“Although the surface of our planet is two-thirds water, we call it the Earth. We say we are earthlings, not waterlings. Our blood is closer to seawater than our bones to soil, but that’s no matter. The sea is the cradle we all rocked out of, but it’s to dust that we go. From the time that water invented us, we began to seek out dirt. The further we separate ourselves from the dirt, the further we separate ourselves from ourselves. Alienation is a disease of the unsoiled.”

― Tom Robbins, Another Roadside Attraction

Let’s admit that the traditional approach to land management (intensive agriculture, deforestation, and unsustainable practices) has led to soil degradation and exacerbated climate change.   We have destroyed the micro-life.   We have harmed Nature.  However, a new paradigm is emerging, one that recognizes the soil as a vital ecosystem and harnesses its natural power to mitigate any climate change and restore environmental balance.    We touched on this topic in Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Soil Food Web course but I discovered more when I studied with Didi Pershouse and her s teaching on the Soil Sponge.

Didi, with  Australian microbiologist and climatologist, Walter Jehne are teachers of the Soil Sponge concept and how this affects our water cycles.     In my opinion, this is ONE LARGE transformative shift in our understanding of nature and offers a promising pathway towards a sustainable future.

Reconnecting with the Soil Sponge

What is the soil sponge?   When I asked Wikipedia it added the word carbon: “Soil carbon sponge is porous, well-aggregated soil in good health, better able to absorb and retain water”

Beneath our feet lies a world teeming with life – the soil sponge. This is an intricate ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.   These little guys plays a pivotal role in nutrient cycling, water retention, and carbon sequestration. Healthy soil, rich in organic matter and diverse microbial life, acts as a carbon sink, storing carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere as CO2.

The earth is complex and interconnected living organism. The soil beneath our feet as its vital organs. Just as our bodies rely on a delicate balance of microorganisms to function properly, so does the planet’s health depend on the thriving community of microbes that reside within the soil.  Just as the organs of the human body rely on other organs, the same applies in the soils.  We can not separate things.  It is all connected.

These tiny and often invisible creatures play a pivotal role in maintaining the carbon and nitrogen cycles. They act as nature’s recyclers, breaking down organic matter and transforming it into nutrients that plants can use to grow.   It is connected.   Plants, in turn, are the soil’s protectors, forming a verdant canopy that shields the earth from the sun’s hot rays and the relentless erosion of wind and water. Their roots, like tiny anchors, bind the soil particles together, preventing it from being swept away by the elements.

Through a process called transpiration, plants release water vapor into the atmosphere, creating a cooling effect that helps regulate the planet’s temperature. This water vapor eventually condenses into clouds, which then release rain, replenishing the soil’s moisture reserves and supporting the growth of new life.

But the role of microbes extends beyond the soil. High in the expanse of the atmosphere, reside invisible droplets of water known as atmospheric bacteria. These tiny droplets, acting like miniature sponges, absorb and hold water vapor, contributing to cloud formation and precipitation. In essence, these atmospheric bacteria are nature’s cloud seeding agents, playing a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s water cycle. They help ensure that the planet receives the life-sustaining rainfall it needs to support its diverse ecosystems.

As I deepen an understanding about the Soil Sponge, it becomes more and more obvious that a paradigm shift in our relationship with land and microbes is required.   We need too transition from exploitative practices that degrade soil health to regenerative strategies that restore and enhance soil functionality. This approach embraces the soil sponge as a key ally in the fight against climate change.

Microbes: The Heroes of Carbon Sequestration?

Microbial life within the soil sponge plays a critical role in carbon sequestration. Through a process known as decomposition, microorganisms break down organic matter, releasing nutrients essential for plant growth and converting carbon into stable forms that remain stored in the soil. This process not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also improves soil fertility and enhances plant productivity.

The Soil Sponge approach recognizes the symbiotic relationship between soil, plants, and microbes. By promoting healthy soil practices, we foster a thriving microbial community that effectively sequesters carbon and contributes to climate mitigation.

This represents a fundamental shift in our understanding of nature and our role within it. It moves away from the linear, extractive mindset that has dominated agriculture and land management for centuries. Instead, it embraces a regenerative approach that mimics natural processes and promotes long-term sustainability.

Regenerative land management practices, such as  applying and using microbe rich composts, reducing tillage, increasing organic matter inputs, and adopting diverse cover crops, work in harmony with the soil sponge, enhancing its ability to store carbon, regulate water cycles, and support healthy plant growth. These practices not only mitigate climate change but also improve soil health, enhance biodiversity, and increase food production.

The Soil Sponge approach offers a beacon of hope in the face of climate change. It is a observation to the interconnectedness of nature and the profound impact of soil health on the planet’s well-being.

As individuals, we can play a role in this paradigm shift by supporting regenerative agriculture, advocating for sustainable land management practices, and making conscious choices that promote soil health. By embracing the soil sponge as an ally, we can help Nature mitigate climate change, restore ecosystems, and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.    She has already figured it out.



2 – Explaining how the water vapor greenhouse effect works –
3 – Walter Jehne – Cooling the Climate Mess with Soil and Water – 


In the face of change, many of us feel a sense of helplessness, convinced that the magnitude of the environmental and collective crisis is beyond our individual reach. We observe the vastness of Nature, the intricate web of ecosystems, and the relentless forces of nature, and wonder if our actions can truly make a difference.   One thing that is certain is everything is connected and separating them is a futile and harmful attempt at healing.

In the vastness lies a profound and simple truth: the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. Just as the intricate image of a cell or microbe mirrors the grand structures of mountains and atmosphere, our individual actions, when aligned with a shared vision, have the power to transform our world.   What is our shared mission?   We all live here, together so I would imagine health is important for all.

However, the headline news has a negative impact that leaves many feeling hopeless in the middle of all the crisises.   Perhaps the call to action is not to change the world in its entirety, but to change the little worlds we inhabit.   It is to transform our homes and land into havens of sustainability and our communities into hubs of environmental consciousness. 

This transformation begins with a simple yet profound shift: a commitment to non-harm. We must recognize that our actions, from the products we consume to the energy we use, have ripple effects throughout the planet. By embracing a philosophy of non-harm, we minimize our ecological footprint and create space for the Earth’s natural systems to heal.

Let’s step back and take a look at the reality of our systems and how we approach life.   I hope this offers some thought provoking consideration.  Alternative healthcare and organic soil practices often mimic the industrial world’s approach of eradicating “bad guys”.    While it’s undoubtedly true that using natural products is generally preferable to using chemicals, it’s important to recognize that both approaches share a similar underlying mindset of control and manipulation while ignoring the “terrain”

In conventional medicine, the focus is often on identifying and eliminating pathogens or suppressing symptoms. Similarly, in conventional agriculture, the focus is on removing pests and weeds, creating a sterile environment for crops to grow. While these approaches may have short-term benefits, they can also have unintended consequences.

For instance, excessive use of antibiotics in both human medicine and animal agriculture has contributed to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a major public health threat. Similarly, the widespread use of herbicides and pesticides in agriculture has led to environmental contamination and the decline of beneficial insects and microorganisms.   Look at alternative (herbs and food) use in human and soil health?  Is the approach any different?

The soil, the very foundation upon which life flourishes, holds the key to this transformation.   All we have to do is observe the microbes.  As we nurture and replenish the soil (the microbes) we not only enhance food production and restore ecosystems but also mitigate climate change.  From the tiniest creatures to the grandest ecosystems, life is an intricate dance of interconnectedness.

Microbe compost, a symphony of microorganisms, mirrors this profound connection, offering a glimpse into the healing power of nature’s smallest beings. In every drop of compost tea lies a universe of potential, ready to revitalize the soil, the foundation upon which life thrives.     It is a science, for sure.   And, we use our microscope to observe the life in our compost.   This is our tool!  Science, with its pursuit of knowledge and understanding, plays a crucial role in this transformation. By asking the right questions, seeking answers, and sharing insights, we illuminate the complex connections between our actions and the planet’s health.

When we view the Earth not as something to be saved but as a living, self-regulating system, we adopt a more harmonious relationship with our planet. We recognize that our well-being is inextricably linked to the well-being of all living things.   Organisms regulate climate through intricate feedback loops and interactions. Plants, through photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, while forests, acting as sponges, absorb and regulate water flow. Microorganisms in the soil play a vital role in carbon sequestration, trapping carbon and preventing its release back into the atmosphere.

We stand on the solution, not as saviors of the planet, but as integral parts of its intricate web of life. By nurturing the soil, embracing sustainable practices, and aligning our actions with the Earth’s natural rhythms, we can transform our little worlds and, in doing so, contribute to a collective healing of our planet.

Plants need rain, and rain needs plants. This simple yet profound interdependence highlights the interconnectedness of life on Earth. As we care for the soil, we nurture the plants, and in turn, the plants sustain the water cycle, creating a regenerative system that supports life.

Our individual actions, like ripples in a pond, have the potential to create waves of change. By changing our little worlds, we can collectively transform our planet, one step, one action, at a time. 

.Iit is to the soil, the humble cradle of life, that we ultimately return.  We come from the water of our mother’s womb and enter an intricate dance with earth.  So why do  we distance ourselves from the soil.   Isn’t this severing the thread of kinship that binds us to each other and all life.. Alienation, a malady of modern society, stems from this disconnect, a detachment from the microbial symphony that orchestrates life’s grand performance.   The soil, far from being a mere expanse of dirt, is a teeming metropolis of life, a vibrant tapestry of microorganisms that play a pivotal role in our existence.   Somehow getting “dirty” is bad for us!     No so!   These microscopic friends, are the  heroes of our life and health: the architects of nutrient cycles, the guardians of soil health, and the custodians of our very survival.

By reconnecting with the soil, by immersing ourselves in its rich microbial tapestry, we not only nourish the earth but also nurture our own well-being. We rediscover our place within the intricate web of life, recognizing our interdependence with the very ground upon which we stand.

it is in the soil that our truest essence lies. Let us honor the microbial symphony that sustains us, and in doing so, rediscover the profound connection that binds us to our planet, our home.  And, that is why we are making Microbe Compost and creating an education center to teach about self reliance and sufficiency!   

Are you called to be a part of this change of hope?   Living Ground is entering a special phase of creation building from the ground up with all our might and using our brains and hands to lift the project.    If you are called to support this work, please contact us.    This is a collective endeavor.   And, yes, we are selling our microbe complete compost…let’s spread the microbes.



Living Ground has been very busy working with clients to create their dream spaces.   We are creating sustainable landscapes and vibrant ecosystem . Our recent project included a food forest, a medicinal and food spiral garden, a convenient kitchen herbal garden, activiating a pond and water system, and a water-efficient irrigation system from the nearby river.

At the heart of all we do lies a profound understanding and application of the soil’s microbes which enriches the land and enhance its fertility,

In the food forest, the team aimed to mimick the intricate patterns of nature, fostering a biodiverse planting of edible plants and perennials. From towering trees to ground-hugging covers, the food forest will provides sustenance and becomes a thriving habitat for local wildlife.

The spiral garden, while a smaller counterpart to the food forest, is a celebration of both aesthetics and ecology. It efficiently accommodates an array of medicinal and edible plants, promoting a meditative and serene atmosphere, all while nurturing the soil’s microbial life.

Our respect for microbes extended to the creation of kitchen herbal garden, located conveniently close to the house. Here, a spectrum of popular and unusual herbs will provide taste for meals to come.

The pond system was initiated and created to teem with aquatic life and plants.   A special statue creation was made to add to the beauty of this water system.

We even added a new irrigation system, which draws water from a natural rive source.   What excites us about this work is the water can be utilized all over the property and returned to the same source (river) cleaner and healthier (and, of course) full of micorbes.   We imagine setting them off to do their restorative work down river.   This self-sustaining approach minimizes disruptions to the local ecosystem, maintaining water rich in beneficial microorganisms

Permaculture is not just about gardens and farms.    It includes all aspects of living with and mimicking Nature.    Our team even grounded the electrical system of the house for this client.   We do anticipate we will return to this property for the next phase of creating.

While our focus is the earth’s smallest yet most significant inhabitants (the microbes), our services to help clients are expanding in many ways.  Our team is growing and our mission too. 


The success of your garden begins with one fundamental factor – its soil and the microbes. This ensures a flourishing garden.  Living Soil Yum is our latest, tested all natural product to help our soils, plants and humans.  It is a mixture of our Microbe Grown Compost Humic and Fulvic Acid, Azolla, Comfrey, Yarrow, and Nettle.   Next to our Microbe Compost, this is your garden’s best companion. It will elevate soil structure, nutrient accessibility, and plant resilience, all contributing to vigorous growth and top-tier, nutrient dense produce.

We are soil geeks and we love the microbes.    During our training with Dr Elaine ingham, she challenged us, the students, to create special recipes to increase biology in our BioComplete (TM) compost piles.  All students embark upon experiments studying and counting the microbes with our microscope.   Our goal is to increase the good guy biology.

Nic and I also are getting to know our Ecuadorian soils, the challenges we all face with soil restoration and we are finding solutions.    From our land, we hand picked precious plants high in mineral and nutrient contet.    We took our best and most diverse Microbe Compost and we made a blend that is amazing. 

We checked it in the microscope and we were pleasantly surprised. PUT CURSOR ON PHOTO FOR EXPLAINATION! 

This amazing blend is a supercharge for your garden’s vitality,!   The ingredients are Microbe Grown Compost Humic and Fulvic Acid, Azolla, Comfrey, Yarrow, and Nettle.   This is a haven for beneficial microbes .  When you add water, the spores and cysts will wake up!   The microbes, btw, are the ones that break down organic matter, releasing nutrients and safeguarding plants from pests and diseases.  Let’s look at the benefits.

Humic and Fulvic Acid

These acids are very complext compounds that science has not yet figured out.  These intricate organic acids form over millions of years through the decomposition of plants and animals. While their precise structure remains a mystery, their crucial role in soil health and plant growth is undeniable.   It is also beneficial for humans too.   It is interesting to note that fulvic and humic acid supplements are not regulated by the FDA, yet!   I suppose they cannot regulate something they can not understand.   That is good news for us!    .   I drink our compost extracts and teas for these acids.  Yes, I do!   I have a microscope to ensure only the good guys are home!

What does these complex molecules do for soils, plants and humans?

For the soil and plants:

  • Helps to transport nutrients into plant cells
  • Improves the soil’s structure and drainage
  • Chelates minerals, making them more available to plants 
  • Increases the water-holding capacity of the soil
  • Helps to detoxify plants from heavy metals and other pollutants
  • Helps to suppress soil-borne diseases 

For Humans:

  • Supports immune system function
  • Promotes detoxification of heavy metals and other toxins
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Enhances nutrient absorption
  • Boosts energy and athletic performance
  • Supports skin health
  • Supports wound healing
  • Supports gut health 


This nitrogen-fixing fern enriches the soil with crucial nitrogen, supporting plant growth and optimizing water retention. Azolla is a versatile and beneficial soil amendment that can improve soil fertility, crop yields, and pest resistance. It is a rich source of nitrogen, organic matter, and it has been shown to suppress some soil-borne pests and diseases. Azolla is a fern that can also help to improve water quality by providing oxygen to aquatic ecosystems.   


We comfrey both for its’ benefits for humans (bone knitting) and as a chop and drop in our gardens and pasture.   Comfrey is a nutrient-rich herb, delivering essential elements such as nitrogen, potassium and calcium. 


Known for its soil structure-enhancing capabilities and deep-reaching roots that break up compacted soil. It also provides valuable nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and calcium.  Yarrow is not native to Ecuador but our stock in the garden is growing happily.  


Ah, the beautifil and yet dangerous nettle!   She is a favourite on my list of nutritive herbs.    She adds  iron, magnesium, potassium, and silica, reinforcing plant cell walls.

Such an amazing blend!   We are excited!

The Benefits of Our Soil Amendment

Improved Soil Structure
Our soil amendment enriches the soil’s structure by introducing organic matter and beneficial microbes, resulting in better drainage, aeration, and water retention.

Enhanced Nutrient Accessibility
It elevates nutrient availability by unlocking nutrients from organic matter and enhancing the soil’s capacity to hold them. The outcome? Quicker growth, increased yields, and superior-quality produce.

Resistance to Pests and Diseases
Strengthening plants, making them more resilient against pests and diseases, ultimately saving you time and money on treatments.

Promoting Plant Growth and Development
By supplying the essential nutrients and beneficial microbes, it paves the way for robust plant growth.

Applying Our Soil Amendment

To reap the benefits, dissolve 1 tbsp in litre of pure (non-chlorinated) water.   This can then be dilluted once again or give each plant a little drink.    Mix well and apply immediately to your plants and garden.   You can also ncorporate it into your compost pile to expedite and encrish the composting process. For optimal results, use it every few weeks throughout the growing season.   Even better, purchase our Aged Organic Matter (mixto) and blend!

Revitalize Your Garden! 

Boost your garden’s well-being and witness it thrive like never before.

Here is Dr Carlos, a local coffee farmer and year one for this coffee farm!   Dr. Carlos Iñigues is a doctor of Ecohydrology and is the co-owner of Vinka coffee farm in Loja province, Ecuador. We provided soil tests, created a comprehensive soil report, and sold him our unique (microscope tested) microbe-rich compost and compost extracts.  

He rated 89% with the Coffee Association. 91% is considered World Class.

BTW..this was supposed to be a case study. However, when R Carlos saw the results, he stopped the case study to microbe his entire land.
The Living Ground Project provides land, farm and homeower Consultancy Services to revive soil and land.
Microbiology soil testing, microbe-produced compost, extracts and teas. Our upcoming education center that will impart knowledge about microbes and health.  Good soil/terrain is the foundation of all health. We have the knowledge and tools to help you regenerate & transform your land into a food forest, while increasing the nutrition and health of all plants and living organisms.



Having fun planting our Market Garden number 2 at the Project Site.  This garden will supply the food for our Upick Customers (every Friday 9-12) along ith our Market Garden One.   It will also provide nutritious microbe grown foods for our Cafe!  To happen one day in our future!


One thing I have learned in my life is to question everything?   Things are not always as they seem!   For one to know or hold truth, one has to wade through a sea of lies.   As a Live Blood Analyst and a Soil Microbiologist, I’ve had the pleasure and honor to see, study and discern the micro-world.   This is both a science and an art!    Over the years I have come to realize that when we observe the live blood on the slide, we are witnessing a living world that is communicating in more ways than what meets the eye.   What is going on at this micro-level of existence?   

Over the past few years,  I’ve increased in concern for people’s anxiety and fear.   It is probably the most rampant negative emotion that is having a negative effect on health.    Yes, we have all gone through a pretty traumatic experience and paranoia is high!   

I am not denying we live in a world full of toxins, chemicals and  concern over dominion of control.   There are threats and it is difficult to remove the “obstacle to cure”.   I am not denying any of this.  And, I don’t want those challenges or threats to be a burden, especially one that actually does more damage to a human’s health.    If it is true we are under a silent and unseen attack, then instead of putting the fear out there, I’d prefer to offer hope and solutions.    That is part of the mission of Living Ground and our work to be a “good little guy” education center.   

 “Knowing” the threats without having solutions or avenues to protect and provide an antidote, has serious consequences of emotional and physical health.   The one true way to stay safe and healthy is to learn and follow nature and the miracle of nature.   How do we do that?    We observe nature!   You do not have to be a scientist to do so!

To be honest, I am not seeing what others are under the microscope and if I do see strange things, I have other explanations.    Some I have learned from the teachings of Antoine Béchamp, some from Dr Elaine Ingham and the rest is a questioning things and doing my own research.

Many individuals are equipping themselves with microscopes. Substack posts and Rumble videos are showcasing what lies beneath the microscope’s lens, from geo-engineering aerosols in the atmosphere to innovative genetic drugs being introduced into our bodies. Among the presented findings is the term “microbial formations,” which is used to describe some of the phenomena witnessed in various bodily fluids, raising questions about their origins.  

I do not follow germ theory that is the basis of most allopathic and natural (apparently alternative) approaches.   What I mean is that many natural healers are following the germ theory.   It is a war on pathogens.   I practice and research pleomorphic and terrain theory.   Although it is hard to see, the approaches are very different.   Both these theories, Pleomorphic and Terrain recognize the dynamic relationship between microorganisms and the host’s internal environment. There is no war.  While pleomorphic theory focuses on the adaptability of microorganisms, terrain theory places greater importance on maintaining a healthy internal terrain to prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. 

Both theories acknowledge the variability of microorganisms, particularly bacteria. Pleomorphism refers to the ability of certain microorganisms to change their shape, size, and characteristics in response to environmental conditions or the host’s internal terrain (or the environment on the slide). This variability can make it challenging to identify and classify specific microorganisms accurately.  

Both theories suggest that microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses (viruses are debated), are typically present in and on the human body. These microorganisms may become pathogenic or cause illness when the host’s terrain becomes compromised or imbalanced.   

Considering these theories, if we discover a parasite and pathogen, the approach is different.   Germ theory goes to war with “antibiotics” (natural or chemical) as a means to erradicate.    Antibiotic means against life.   What happens to the beneficials?   Terrain theory is much like the new Soil Science that is discovering if you increase the beneficials (health), the pathogens leave!   It is pro-life!

I share this article as I receive so many live blood videos showcasing these “entities”.    My biggest concern is people’s reaction to these videos. Most, even if they are approach disease naturally are following germ theory.    IMHO, this is dangerous!   And, I am concerned for people’s emotional well being at this point because fear of germs and foreign objects is high! 

The latest fear that is growing in the human mind is from the observation of nanoparticles in live blood.  Let’s consider what a Nanoparticle is:  they are typically defined as particles that have a size of between 1-100 nanometers (nm). Therefore, the micrometer (μm) size of nanoparticles is 0.001 to 0.1 micrometers.  Can we even see this with a compound microscope?

And, then there are the Hydrogels. People are reporting seeing Hydrogels in live blood.   Hydrogels are a type of polymeric material that can swell in water to form a gel-like structure. They are three-dimensional networks of hydrophilic polymers that can hold large amounts of water without dissolution.   When viewed under a compound microscope with 1000x magnification, hydrogels may appear as clear or translucent structures with a soft, spongy texture. They can also exhibit a network-like pattern, depending on their chemical composition and preparation method. If a dye or fluorescent label is added to the hydrogel, it may appear colored or luminescent under the microscope.

No wonder people are afraid!  Nanoparticles?  Hydrogels?    Is there a war happening at this microscopic world and do we need to be concerned about it?

However, it’s essential to recognize that these formations are not entirely new and those who are “seeing” these forms in live blood might want to question a few things.  I am!    Yes, I do see crystals, symplasts of different shapes, sizes, colors.  I do see pleomorphic objefcts.   And, I’ve been forced to asked myself how are these “things” showing up in the blood on the slide?

So, let’s question some things….and use our common sense.

To start, most conventional compound microscopes have a maximum magnification of around 1000x.   This is not sufficient to observe nanoparticles that are smaller than 50 – 100 nm. To observe nanoparticles at higher magnification, electron microscopy may be used. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons instead of light and can achieve much higher magnifications, allowing scientists to study even objects as small as atoms. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) are two commonly used electron microscopy techniques to image nanoparticles.

The Hydrogels!   Did you know that every cell within the human body is essentially a hydrogel, for cells inherently possess gel-like properties.

The videos and photos being shared with me, the structures observed vary in size, ranging from 150 microns in diameter to filamentous gel formations exceeding 1600 microns.    Remember nanoparticles are 0.001 to 0.1

Let’s put this into perspective and let’s question things.

The typical size of a red blood cell, also known as an erythrocyte, is about 6-8 micrometers in diameter.  To put it in simple terms, you could line up about 10 red blood cells next to each other, and they would be as wide as a single hair on your head.  This blood exits the body via capillaries.   Now, capilllaries are the smallest blood vessels in your body, even tinier than red blood cells.   They  are the tiniest blood vessels in the circulatory system. Their walls are composed of a single layer of endothelial cells, which is so thin that it allows for the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products between the blood and surrounding tissues. The diameter of a typical capillary ranges from about 5 to 10 micrometers (microns).

Did you catch that?   Red blood cells are larger than capilliaries!   

Because red blood cells are larger than capillaries, they must deform (do a yoga move) and squeeze through the narrow capillary passages to travel through the circulatory system, which is a critical part of their function in delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body.

So, here’s the interesting part.   How does the blood get out?   When a needle pricks your finger for a blood test, your body employs impressive mechanisms to help those tiny red blood cells leave the even tinier capillaries.   Blood moves very slow in the capillaries.  However, when poked, this acts as a gentle nudge that assists the blood, including the red blood cells, in exiting the capillary.  The capillary’s elastic walls can stretch a little to create some space for the red blood cells to squeeze out due to the pressure from the poke. The walls of capillaries have nearly imperceptible gaps between their cells, like miniature doorways. Red blood cells are supple enough to change their structure to fit through these tiny gaps and exit the capillary.  This is red blood cell yoga!

Additionally, when poked, your body dispatches signals, little messages to your blood cells, making the red blood cells more flexible and prepared to depart the capillary. Blood is still flowing even in the minute capillaries. As a result, when you’re stuck with a needle, the blood keeps moving, facilitating the movement of red blood cells out of the capillaries.

So, how do these other objects seen in live blood analysis appear?     The nanoparticles that I am seeing in the videos and photos are MUCH LARGER than a red blood cell!    How do they appear on the slide if it is physcially impossible for them to exit a tiny capillary?

There is anotherl point that needs to be considered through and through.   The structures we are discussing in live blood may not present in your blood while it circulates in your body. Rather, they form later after a small sample of your blood is placed on a microscope slide.

During this microscopic examination of blood, we do and can see the formations. While the shape or structure may resemble crystals, symplasts, or other forms, it’s important to reiterate that they may not occur naturally in the bloodstream within your body and if they did, how did they exit the tiny capillaries? I am questioning this and how these formations arise when the blood sample is put on the microscope slide. 

At this juncture, it is worth asking what constitutes a toxin? At its core, a toxin is anything for which the body lacks a sufficiently high inherent Zeta Potential (ZP) to disperse and eliminate when necessary.   

Zeta Potential is a key property of colloidal particles, which are microscopic particles suspended in a liquid or gas medium. These particles can range in size from a few nanometers to several micrometers, and they can be found in various natural and man-made systems, such as soils, biological fluids, and industrial suspensions. Zeta potential describes the electrostatic charge distribution around a particle’s surface, which determines how it interacts with other particles and its surrounding fluid.

To understand zeta potential, it’s helpful to first consider the electric double layer that forms around a charged particle in a liquid medium. This double layer consists of an inner layer of ions that are strongly attracted to the particle’s surface, forming what is called the Stern layer, and an outer diffuse layer of ions that are attracted to the particle’s charge, but are not as tightly bound. This outer layer is called the Gouy-Chapman layer, and its thickness and charge density are influenced by the zeta potential of the particle.

Imagine your blood contains tiny particles, and some of them have either a positive or negative charge, like little magnets. Now, these charged particles create a kind of force field around them, and we call the strength of this force field the “zeta potential.”   Basically it’s like a protective bubble around these particles. When the zeta potential is strong (either highly positive or negative), it’s like having powerful shields that keep these particles apart. They can’t clump together.   When it is weak, they clump and stick together.  The shields aren’t doing their job.

Is it possible this is how and why particles are forming in blood on the slide meaning they form due to the Zeta Potential?  The zeta potential helps maintain the balance and proper behavior of the particles in your blood, preventing unusual formations like crystals and symplasts when it’s working correctly.   This is one possible answer to my questions.

And, in the last year, I have been exploring Dr. Harvey Bigelson’s work and his perspective on blood communication and the formation of structures when blood is placed on a slide:  Dr. Harvey Bigelson’s groundbreaking work in the field of holographic blood analysis is deepening my understanding of blood and its dynamic nature.  His work proposes a unique perspective on blood, suggesting that it remains in communication with the individual even when placed on a microscope slide. According to Bigelson, blood is not merely an inert fluid but a living, communicative substance that responds to its environment.

“Living Blood”,  In Bigelson’s view,  is not a static entity but a living medium that maintains a continuous connection with the individual. When blood is placed on a slide, it is believed to retain its vitality and ability to respond to external stimuli. This perspective challenges the conventional notion that blood loses its inherent properties and communication abilities once outside the body.

Bigelson also suggests that blood, when exposed to various conditions or influences, can form specific structures as a means of communication. These structures may include crystals, symplasts, and other formations. According to his theory, these structures serve as a form of language or expression through which the blood conveys information about the individual’s health and well-being.

In other words, the blood samples on a slide are considered a form of biological communication. How cool is that?   Am I looking at this deeper with my clients?  Yes!    Further, Bigelson contends that these structures are not random but purposeful responses to external factors. They may convey insights into the individual’s state of health, including information about toxins, imbalances, emotions, emotional and spiritual health or other health-related conditions.

So, in summary, yes, I question the formations people are reporting and that caused me to question what I do see!    I question how these forms can exit the body from the capillaries (impossible) and I wonder if the formations are forming holographically to mirror a person’s fear?   In other words, what you focus on (or afraid of) will appear on the slide!   

This concept of “what you focus upon appears” suggests that our thoughts and attention play a powerful role in shaping our experiences and the world around us. If we focus our attention predominantly on positive things, we are more likely to experience positive outcomes and events, whereas if we focus on negative things, we may experience more negative outcomes.

Essentially, this concept operates on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and that our minds have the ability to manifest our desires or fears into our physical experiences. This can be seen in various fields, including psychology, spirituality, and even physics.   Perhaps it is true in live blood analysis too.

The concept of “what you focus upon appears” suggests that if a person is strongly focused on the idea of toxins or poisons being present in their body, there may be a greater likelihood of those structures appearing in the live blood sample due to the power of suggestion. However, this does not necessarily mean that toxins or other harmful substances are actually present in the body.  

This is a personal perspective!    I have done enough live blood and soil samples with the microscope that leaves me questioning more.   I will continue the studying, researching, and exploring further.    My questioning mind and the lack of observation of things presented by other live blood analysts has me wondering if my desire to help people clear fear influences what I see in the blood (and do not see)?

Regardless, I feel deeply and passionately that we need to find solutions and stop the fear!

Keep standing strong and expressing ultimate gratitude.


This is not just compost!   This is carefully crafted, microscope tested Microbe Compost!    We ensure all the good guys are home!    We do not filter our compost as we care for the good guys!   Many do not understand the difference between our Microbe Compost and regular compost.    I will share that Nic and I studied and perfected this process over 4 years with Dr Elaine Ingham (     It is a science and an art!   The beautiful thing is a little goes a long way if the “terrain” is healthy.   The “terrain” in soil is the organic matter.   That is why we also create aged and treated organic matter for our clients.    And, here in Ecuador due to our heavy rains and HOT sun, organic matter is important regardless to feed the microbes and protect the soils.   

We do not recommend fresh wood chips.   Fresh wood chips need to be off-gased to remove the “anti” (against) compounds that are in the trees used here for wood planks (pine, eucalyptus, cedar, etc).    Over time Mother Nature will deal with this…but it is like going one step forward and two back.   Fresh wood chips also remove carbon (and nitrogen) in the beginning.   Again, over time it will give it back.   But why go back?    

Compost Care Instruction:
  1. This compost is alive. It is filled with beneficial microorganisms and must be cared for if not used within 3 days.
  2. Keep the compost out of direct sunlight, UV causes damage to micro-life, store Indoors at ambient temperature.
  3. Extreme heat or cold can change the microbial environment. 
  4. Moisture is important to micro-life. Use a spray bottle or mist nozzle and chlorine/chloramine free water to keep this small amount of compost moist. Mist the top as necessary to keep the moisture at a level when the material sticks together in your hand, like chocolate cake would if smashed into a ball.
  5. Overwatering can lead to anaerobic conditions, if you ever feel you have gotten the material too wet, just spread it out a bit and make sure oxygen can get to all parts of the compost. If the material becomes completely dry remoisten slowly to avoid overwatering.
Instructions for a  Compost Extract:
  1. Use a paint strainer bag or compost tea bag add  (2-3lbs) of compost inside the bag and then using a 5-gallon bucket as a vessel for water make the extract by moving the bag of compost around in the water. Agitate the material without smashing or grinding the compost.  We like to gently massage the compost.   You will see the water turn a dark chocolatey color as you extract.   This is fulvic and humic acid – a complex compound that is amazing for health (human and soil)
  2. Apply the extract evenly on the soil around the plants you are focused on.
  3. Application rates can vary greatly depending on the goal. For a very strong extract you can use up to three pound per gallon, for a very light inoculation as little a 20 pounds per acre can be used.
  4. Dilute as necessary for covering the space needed.   
  5. Again, it is imporatant your soil has Organic Matter (OM).   Living Ground provides aged and microbe treated OM for this purpose.    OM is food for the microbes and, here in Ecuador, it is important as a mulch to protect the soils from hot sun and heavy rains.

We are very proud of our Microbe Compost and want to help our clients understand why this is so very important for health of the plants and humans.    Please visit our story to order or contact us!    We are happy to arrange a taxi or pick-up.

And, remember, we also offer soil testing to determine the microbiology in your soil.    We are training our local staff to be able to do this for our community too…which is very exciting!

Soil Squad


Most realize that Compost is a mixture of organic materials that have been decomposed by microorganisms. It is a valuable soil amendment that can improve the fertility, structure, and water retention of soil.  Most do not realize the difference between organic compost, obone (manure) and Microbe Compost.  Here we explain the difference and why Microbe Compost is so important….

Microbe compost is made using a science process that encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms.   Our aim is to remove all pathogens and enhance the environment for the benficial organisms.   We liken this to a probiotic!    Just like in the human microbiome, these microorganisms help to break down organic matter more quickly and efficiently than in regular organic compost.    We often say we are not making compost we are farming microbes.   And, we get to determine how our compost is with the microscope.   This is an important tool of our work.

Regular organic compost is made using a more traditional method that does not specifically target the growth of beneficial microorganisms. This type of compost can still be beneficial for plants, but it may not be as effective as microbe compost.   Also, it takes much longer and in the process may be home to many bad guy microbes.

Obono is pure manure and does contain pathogens most of the time.  Manure also is like the chemical fertilizers as it forces plant growth with Nitrogen.    A big beautiful plant may appear that is air, water and nitrogen and little else.

Here are four key differences between microbe compost and regular organic compost:

  1. Microbe compost is like a probiotic. Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial for the gut. 
  2. Microbe compost is more potent. Because microbe compost is made using a process that encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms, it contains higher levels of these microorganisms than regular organic compost. This means that microbe compost can have a more immediate and noticeable impact on the health of plants and soil.
  3. Microbe compost is more versatile. Microbe compost can be used for a wider variety of purposes than regular organic compost. It can be used to improve the fertility, structure, and water retention of soil, as well as to suppress plant diseases and pests. Regular organic compost is typically used for improving the fertility and structure of soil.
  4. Microbe compost is more sustainable.  It is mimicking Nature.  It is ensuring life “pro-biotic” literally means “pro life”

Organic Matter OM

In addition to microbe compost and regular organic compost, we also offer specialized Organic Matter.  Our OM is like a Prebiotic.  It feeds the microbes.

Living Grounds OM is a blend of woody materials that is aged and sprayed with microbe extract.   Most wood chips contain “anit-fungals” so the aging process is very imporatant.    Our OMis similar to microbe compost in that it contains beneficial microorganisms, but it is less potent. Organic matter is a good option for improving the structure and water retention of soil, but it is not as effective as microbe compost for improving the fertility of soil.

Which type of compost is right for you?

The best type of compost for you will depend on your specific needs and goals. If you are looking for a compost that is effective, versatile, and sustainable, then microbe compost is a best option. If you are looking for a compost that is less expensive and easier to make, then regular Organic Matter is a good option. And if you are looking for a compost that can help to improve the structure and water retention of soil, then both Microbe Compost and OM is a good option.

It is important to note that organic compost is not always safe. The process of making compost is not always monitored closely, so there is a chance that pathogens could exist in the compost and quite often do.    These pathogens can be harmful to plants and humans. It is important to test compost for pathogens before using it.  Here is where the benefit of our microscope come in.

Another thing to keep in mind is that organic compost can force growth. This means that the plants may grow quickly, but they may not be as healthy as plants that are grown with a more natural approach. The plants may also be more susceptible to pests and diseases.

In a way, organic matter is like the food that we eat, while microbe compost is like the probiotics that we take. Both are important for our health, but they work in different ways. Organic matter provides the nutrients that our bodies need, while probiotics help to keep our gut healthy and functioning properly.

In the same way, organic matter provides the nutrients that plants need, while microbe compost helps to keep the soil healthy and functioning properly. Healthy soil is essential for healthy plants, just as a healthy gut is essential for a healthy human.

If you are looking for a way to improve the health of your soil and plants, then microbe compost is for you.   Remember, we are actively consulting with land owners to regenerate lands, soils and homesteads.   We work within the budget and goals of our clients to bring life back to the soil.   Contact us for more information!   

At Living Ground, our mission extends far beyond saving soils – it’s about fostering a holistic connection that benefits plants, microbes, and humanity itself. While nature’s challenges persist, we approach them with a different perspective – one of harmony and mimicry, rather than conflict.

Today, we’re excited to invite you into our world through an informative video courtesy of the Soil Food Web (SFW) school. This captivating footage takes you on a journey through the heart of the Soil Food Web approach in Peru, offering a glimpse into the wonders that unfold when we align with nature’s wisdom.

Leisha is a  Soil Food Web Consultant and Nic is currently on his path toward certification within the same renowned program.

As we embark on this shared journey, we invite you to join us in championing a more harmonious and sustainable world. Come witness the magic of nature’s equilibrium, and be part of the Living Ground movement.

Before you delve into this transformative video, remember to subscribe to our blog and stay updated with our latest explorations, insights, and progress. Your presence and engagement mean the world to us.

And now, without further ado, let’s embark on this enlightening adventure by exploring the Soil Food Web approach through our exclusive video presentation.

We’re in trouble. Our over-reliance on fossil fuels and our taste for foods with a high carbon footprint is causing disruptive climate change. Our throwaway society has flooded the land and seas with plastic pollution. And we face a growing public health crisis triggered by the rise of disease-causing microbes that we cannot kill with antibiotics.

Now for the good news. Living Ground is entering the busy-ness of selling food…but our primary intention to provide a system where people can have ready and affordable access to gut food – that is food grown in microbe rich soils.

Our guts are a real brain. They form part of an intelligent control system which manages our bodies, particularly our appetite and so decides how much and what food we want to eat and how much and where we store fat. Our guts are also home to the bulk of our immune system. Poor guts health is at the source of modern chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity and its related heart attacks, dementia etc. A health gut is really important.

But to have a healthy gut means we need the right biology in the first place and we need to feed it the right sort of food. When people find out how gut food is grown the whole idea puts most people off, which is why you can’t buy gut food from the supermarket or in a bottle from the chemist.

Healthy gut biology starts in the guts of creatures that live in the soil.   Read that again!     This microbe biology passes from the guts of the microbes and into the plants where if we eat them soon after they are harvested they will enter out guts and the plants will provide them with food so they will flourish.

We, and all animals, have been doing this for millions of years but the whole idea is totally at odds with our modern antiseptic society so eating gut food will always be for a minority group.   And, humans will diminish!    We can not duplicate Nature as much as science and technology tries.

We know how to grow gut food, you have to have soil which is full of creature of the soil.   To feed the creatures, the soils must be full of organic matter.  We don’t have to be concerned with minerals..there is plenty of that!

And we have to avoid chemicals which will harm the beneficial biology – modern chemicals may not hurt us but they can be a disaster for micro-biology.  And, I will add that Natural insecticides also are harmful.   

And we have to eat the plants shortly after they are harvested before the beneficial biology dies.

All this is a more expensive process than modern chemical industrial farming and supermarket system and to many people quite revolting, which is why we don’t see gut food products on super market shelves.

Good and nourishing food is really about growing food to feed our brain. To do that we have to feed the microbes that already are living in our gut – that’s a pre-biotic.

But we also have to breed new microbes in the soil, which will go into the plants that we will eat and hence from part of our gut brain – that’s a pro-biotic.

To breed these microbes we have to feed and water them – for that we need plants that take the energy from the sun and covert it into microbe food. The plant will exchange this food for the food it needs. So, the microbes go get the plants food.    Now the snag is that there are good bugs which will make us strong and healthy and bad bugs which at best just want to use as a comfy home to breed in – but unfortunately they often get it wrong and kill us.

To breed the good bugs – without the bad bugs taking over – we have to manage the conditions, which means food and water. The good bugs like oxygen and a little water….but not too wet (aerobic) while the bad bugs breed when it is wetter and no oxygen (anaerobic). How is oxygen transported in the human and what does it need to transport oxygen? Iron. But parasites love stored iron. Is this a rabbit hole or what?

Let’s get to the nitty gritty of true health! That means a paradigm shift. It is a 360 on our beliefs about health and microbes. Well, remember, Douglas Adams wrote : “The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42.” We probably only know 5% or less of how Nature works..but we do have some good information to change our ways NOW. And, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT!!!

Will you be apart of this soil revolution?

…The Soil Biology Primer represents a new era in our agency’s soil science contributions to natural resource conservation. In the past we have focused primarily on the chemical and physical properties of soil . This publication highlights another integral component of soil , its biological features. The Primer explains the importance of biological functions for productive and healthy agricultural systems , range lands, and forest lands.

The Soil Biology Primer is intended for farmers, ranchers, agricultural profes sionals, resource specialists , students, teachers, and NRCS conservationists, specialists , and soil scientists as a reference for enhanced understanding of the critical functions performed by soil life. I hope you enjoy reading about the fascinating diversity of soil life under our feet and gain a deeper appreciation of the intrinsic value of soil organisms to sustainable civilizations . Protecting our Nation’s soil for future generations is of greatest importance.

ENJOY click to read, explore, learn, download……


Soil. It’s our greatest treasure.

It can take hundreds of years and many natural processes to make even a centimetre of soil. The mechanical and chemical weathering of rock makes up around half of any soil’s composition, with around 5% supplied by organic material, and the rest made up by air and water.

Put another way, soil is a complicated mix of both the non-organic, abiotic components- minerals, water and air, and the organic biotic components- bacteria, archaea, fungi, plants and invertebrates that live and die within it.

In addition, and bound together with any basic discussion about soil, is the reality of a living soil, the soil food web and soil biodiversity. Soil is a complex, sustainable and dynamic ecosystem, sustained through the complicated interaction of countless soil fauna like worms, woodlice, springtails, nematodes and mites, together with fungi and bacteria.

“Despite all our achievements, we owe our existence to a six-inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains.”

However, within a few generations, we have seen the world’s soils rapidly and increasingly degrade, losing nutrients, carbon and fertility, turning saline or actually blowing away. Crops are losing yield and not responding to NPK fertilisers. Fields and farms are being abandoned across much of the world, forcing even more poverty, suffering and human migration. This degrading is mostly human-driven, due to bad farming practices, pollution, acidification, compaction, deforestation and climate change across the world. It’s a sobering and worrying time. Soil biodiversity is dying, with soil fauna like springtails and soil mites reducing to almost zero. Worms are disappearing, fungal activity ceasing.

Soil scientists and farmers are finally being listened to.   People are learning and gaining more knowledge and understanding.  Research is now well funded and positive changes are being discussed at a governmental level and implemented on a regional and local level. Sustaining, improving and increasing soils is a lengthy and time consuming process, but no dig, microbe compost making and regenerative agriculture are showing great results. Feeding the soil rather than the plant has become a well known mantra amongst gardeners and organic growers. The ship may be sinking, but all is not lost.

Whoever you are and whoever you will become, tread lightly on the earth.”