I’m thrilled to share exciting developments at the Living Ground Project Site – the creation of a secret garden soon to be home to 54 versatile plants, thriving globally. As part of my recent mission, I’m diligently digitizing teachings on self-reliance, covering topics like Microbe Compost creation, sustainable gardening, and adding nutritional value to harvested foods.

An invaluable addition is the Live Blood teaching tool, empowering individuals to monitor their health using a simple $100 or $200 microscope. Manuals on health protocols and a comprehensive 650-page book on the 54 herbs are in the works. The first draft is complete, and I’m currently navigating the intricacies of formatting.

This digital treasure trove will become part of Living Ground’s online courses, enriching minds globally. The Project Site serves as a living manifestation of these courses, welcoming apprentices, guests, and tourists to gain hands-on experience. Our goal is to empower individuals to return to their communities, spreading wisdom and knowledge for a brighter, self-reliant future.

The new greenhouse which has just been completed will be the nursery for these 54 plants.   I have also created a card deck that will accompany the sale of any plant.  Collectors cards!    

Here is a sneak peak from The Secret’s of the Garden – Living Ground’s book….

Welcome to a walk-through of a living herbarium, a place that showcases the multifaceted relationships between microbes, humans and plants.

This book is a written version of a real garden in Southern Ecuador. At the heart of Living Ground Project in southern Ecuador, these pages come to life in a secret garden, where plants illustrate the lessons etched in their roots, stalks, leaves and petals.  This book is the written version of this garden. It is intended that plants themselves emerge as orators of this book sharing their untamed wilderness. The emphasis on “Wild” as an identity signals a resistance to domestication and control.  

The herbs planted in this book grow anywhere in the world.  This is narrative where plants and nature are given characters to convey messages about ecology, environmentalism, or the intrinsic value of the natural world.

My name is Leisha.  I intend to show you how each microbe and plant has played a role in nature’s creation, medicine, food, and culture. This written library is more than just a collection of plants; it’s an exhibit of the partnerships between people and the botanical world. I will also share the tenacity of the plants many who are considered weeds and how they have transformed the world around us and continue to be our steadfast allies.

We are Wild, the ones you cannot contain. We have no interest in being in your cultivated gardens. Rather, we eat the sun and cultivate each other, drawing on the life force energy of the dirt. Some years we ourish, creating abundance, and some years we almost fade away. These ever-returning cycles of life generating life are the way of the Wild.”

After delving into the profound wisdom Dr Elaine’s new science on the soil food web, I underwent a transformative awakening that challenged my long-held beliefs as a natural healer.  I came to a profound realization that the paths of natural health and allopathic medicine were actually taking the same approach to health and disease—their common ground being the battle against microbes.     The germ theory!    A

lthough, yes,  using natural substances is better, the outcome and the intentions are the same.   It is a war on microbes, the very essence of all life.  Since a young child, I have been a devoted lover of wild nature. Plants, both medicinal and culinary, have been companions for over 4 decades.   And, I have had culinary, medicinal and vegetable gardens for 4 decades.  The other 3  decades were in Canada were I learned the art of seasonal growing, harvesting and preserving.   Since being in Southern Ecuador, I can grow year round.  Both have had their learning curves and challenges.

Twelve years back, while hitting middle age, I took a leap and moved to the South Andes mountains in Ecuador.    Yes, it was probably a crisis time for me.   While this relocation wasn’t a part of any premeditated plan and could be seen as an impulsive response to a mid-life crisis, it evolved into a journey of discovering how to lead a life based on my own principles, free from dependence on money or societal norms. It was a raw and unromantic experience, yet I embraced this lifestyle for a duration of four years. In Ecuador, the ability to cultivate crops throughout the year doesn’t necessarily translate to easier gardening compared to Canada. I hold the belief that seeds possess an inherent timekeeping mechanism, triggered by environmental factors even in the warm and semi-tropical conditions here. Placing seeds in the soil doesn’t guarantee immediate sprouting; in fact, it might take weeks or even months for them to germinate. While the specic reasons behind this phenomenon remain unclear to me, I am gradually advancing in my comprehension of these intricate cycles.  It is a fascinating learning experience.

Most of my adult life, I have had an insatiable thirst for knowledge that led to delving into the realms of herbalism, ayurveda, homeopathy, and naturopathy.   I don’t think there has been a time in my life when I was not studying about health and healing.  Five years ago, I embarked on a transformative journey with Dr. Elaine Ingham, becoming a certied Consultant and Soil Microbe Lab Technician.    

Humbled by the revelation to stop the war on germs, I rec


ognized that my organic gardening practices and approach to natural health were inadvertently aligned with this “germ theory” and its a war mentality. This had a profound impact on my perspective, prompting me to reevaluate my practices and embark on a journey of unlearning, seeking a harmonious coexistence with the living world.

Living Ground’s journey is at a crucial juncture, and I’m reaching out for your support. Currently, I’m personally covering the weekly wages of our dedicated local staff, amounting to $615 per week. The responsibility is immense, and I’m working tirelessly to keep this lifeline intact.   Currently, I am employing 4 local men (from Masanamaca) full time.   They are amazing people who are working hard to both transform lands and build the project.   Then there are 4 part-timers and again, all from our little community Masanamaca.  They help with the gardens, weeding, weed waking, harvesting, collecting seeds.    All team members are learning.  I desire all team members to become leaders in Ecuador and spread this work to their fellow country -men and women as far as possible.   They will have a stronger impact that the gringos (foreigners).    This is very important work.

Our projects, from market gardens to a secret herbal garden, a commercial kitchen, apprenticeship quarters, and more, are shaping a future of self-reliance. I’m committed to this cause, taking no profits and channeling all my efforts into sustaining the team’s wages through my Live Blood practice and product sales.  We are also creating sales and offering consults, microbe compost, a weekly UPick and gearing up to sell strange, rare and perculiar seeds and plants.    The commercial kitchen is almost complete and we will offer microbe-garden to plate dinners (fundraisers) soon.

Your support is pivotal. A mere $5 weekly, equivalent to a cup of coffee in the north, can make a substantial impact.   We have set up reoccuring donations that can be done weekly or monthly.   By contributing, you actively participate in fostering sustainable practices and training locals to spread this work. – from nurturing soil microbes to promoting human health.

Please join me in empowering human self-reliance. Your generosity ensures the continuation of valuable projects contributing to a healthier, more sustainable future. Let’s make a difference together.

Donate now and be a part of Living Ground’s journey towards empowering human self-reliance!    We need your support!  Muchas Gracias and many thanks!



The difference the microbes make

It’s incredible to witness the transformative impact of our microbe sprays on the property! The vibrant, bold green represents the areas we’ve treated, showcasing the efficacy of our microbial efforts. The undeniable proof of flourishing vegetation is a testament to the Living Ground Team’s dedication and the positive influence of microbes. Keep up the fantastic work, cultivating green spaces for a thriving ecosystem!


Like many places in the world, our local area has experience and rash of crazy and intense fires threatening the living ground of our nature and soil.  Prevention work is important.   

One local solution is to pipe waters from our local national forest, the Podocarpus.   Living Ground feels that the solution to the fires is not to pump more water out of the rivers that are already low enough and barely support the local lands especially in a situation of drought.     This is a temporary fix that mainly addresses areas where there could be a potential fire in the future and in the long term, it will create more problems.

Why not look to Nature and how she works.   This solution is increasing the soil sponge and restoring the soil microbes.

As part of the Soil Food Web educational program, we were inroduced to Didi Pershouse.  Didi Pershouse stands as a prominent advocate and educator pioneering the work that revolves around the concept of the “soil sponge,” 

This concerpt is that healthy soil behaves much like a sponge.  The soil sponge metaphor conveys the following principles without the need for enumeration:

At its core, the soil sponge represents the capacity of well-nurtured soil to mimic the water-absorbing and holding properties of a sponge. It soaks up rainwater and irrigation, storing it within its structure, and gradually releases this moisture to nourish plants during drier periods.   What holds the water?   The microbe aggregates.

The soil sponge’s importance  extends to mitigating the impacts of fire or climate change by reducing the likelihood of both droughts and floods. In periods of drought, the soil sponge provides a reservoir of moisture that helps plants thrive even in arid conditions. During heavy rainfall, it prevents excess water from causing floods and erosion.  Double win!

A thriving soil sponge is synonymous with healthier and more resilient ecosystems. By ensuring a consistent water supply for plants, it promotes their growth and vitality.   This prevents fires.  The soil sponge’s effectiveness hinges on the soil’s organic matter content and the presence of beneficial microorganisms. Soils rich in organic matter and teeming with beneficial microbes exhibit a superior water-holding capacity, thus reinforcing their role as effective sponges.

Increasing the soil sponge means we stop tilling practices for minimal soil disturbance,.  It requires the incorporation of organic matter through microbe rich compost.   It requires cover cropping, and the avoidance of excessive chemical inputs. These practices are central to enhancing soil structure, increasing its water-holding capacity, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of nature.

Here in Ecuador we have rains for half a year and dry season the other  half.   This year the dry season seemed more like a drought.   There are two things that are very important to living soils to prevent fires escpecially in dry season or drought:

  • Increasing rainfall with tree/plant cover – increase biodiversity and biomass.  Yes, this is possible!
  • Keeping the grass greener  and longer due to larger water reserve with the soil sponge – types of grasses are important.

While we often think of plants as passive participants in the water cycle, they actually play an active role in influencing rainfall, thanks to a remarkable partnership with specific bacteria.

On the surface of plants, a unique group of bacteria live. These tiny microorganisms are more than just casual residents; they are major contributors to the complex process of rainfall. The bacteria reside within the stomata of leaves, those microscopic openings that plants use for gas exchange.  As these bacteria thrive in their leafy abode, they multiply. When conditions are right, these bacterial hitchhikers are released into the atmosphere, ready to play a crucial role in the formation of raindrops.   In the upper atmosphere, these bacteria become concentrated, leading to a transformation in raindrop dynamics. By interacting with other particles and moisture in the atmosphere, they aid in the coalescence of smaller water droplets into larger ones. This process results in raindrops growing heavy enough to overcome the force of gravity and fall to the Earth’s surface.

The significance of this microbial contribution to rainfall cannot be overstated. It reminds us that the natural world is a web of interconnected relationships, where even the tiniest beings can have a profound impact on the larger processes that shape our environment. So, the next time you witness a refreshing rain shower, remember to thank not only the clouds but also the microscopic bacteria that made it possible.


When soil biodiversity is compromised, as indicated by Living Ground’s findings locally, it can have far-reaching consequences. The health of plants, animals, and even humans depends on the intricate relationships within the soil. Loss of diversity and fungal biomass can lead to soil degradation, reduced agricultural productivity, and increased vulnerability to soil erosion.

Reestablishing the soil microbiome is an essential step in addressing these challenges. Techniques like compost tea and extract applications, cover cropping, and reduced tillage can help restore microbial diversity and fungal biomass.   And, of course, education for our local residents especially about how fire destroys the soil microbes. These approaches not only benefit the soil but also promote healthier plant growth and enhance the overall resilience of ecosystems.

The reason the mountains are drying and fires are raging is multifaceted but it is ultimately a result of the management practices of the land over the last decades or century. The problem is endemic thus so should the solution be.  There are many areas in the world that have much much less rainfall than the Vilcabamba area and they are able to harvest it and make use of it all year long. The fires are not a symptom of a lack of rain; they represent the damage that has been done to the landscape. Bringing more water from outside sources (such as our precious National Podocarpus park) will not solve the problem, only temporarily hide the issue.

Improving soil aggregations

What is soil aggregation ?

Arrangement of primary soil particles (sand, silt, clay) around soil organic matter and through particle associations. This arrangement increases the amount of air space in the soil and offers room to store water.

Soil aggregation is directly related to the soil’s ability to hold water. The soil aggregating of the pastures in the mountains is extremely low and this greatly reduces its ability to capture and hold rainfall. So even if it does rain all that water washes down the hill into the river causing flooding and taking precious minerals with it. By improving soil aggregation we can help infiltrate water, this will help the grass remain greener longer and also provide the rivers with a slow release of water that can last through the dry season.  This is called the soil sponge.   This would help make the most out of each drop of water that we get over time and during the dry season

Encouraging Perennial Grasses

Because of the past cycle of fires the soil on the mountains has been damaged. High temperatures on the surface kill the biology living in the soil surface. This reduced biology encourages annual grasses that dry up in dry season and provide most of the fuel for the fires.    Perennial grasses invest more into the soil then Annual grasses simply because they have a long term strategy. They help improve soil aggregation through feeding the microbes if they are present.  Also, Perennial grasses are generally better and more nutritius feed for animals too.

Alejandro Carillo Chihuahua desert creates his own rain.

Fungi in the Soils

Fungi or mushrooms are an integral part of the soils and major contributors to the aggregation of soil. They serve many functions to help against the fire.

Fungi play a major role in the improvement of soil. Their function is to create Macro aggregates.  Mycorrhizal fungi are major partners to plants and offer a host of benefits if they are present in the soil. These benefits include:

  • increased nutrient uptake (especially phosphorus and micro nutrients)
  • protection from diseases of the roots
  • they can provide water to the plant in case of drought.
  • Due to the improved nutrition the plants are more resilient to disease and are also more nutritious to the animals that graze them.

Fungi also provide another benefit to soils. A cubic centimeter of soil can contain as much as 1km of fungal strands. Fungal strands are very strong; some species can be as much as 17x stronger tension strengths than steel. This characteristic will help prevent landslide and erosion of the already thin soils of the mountains.

Water Harvesting

Rain water retention basins on top of mountains to collect water in the rainy season for use in the dry season is another good solution.  This can serve a double purpose to increase the productivity of the grazing grounds in the mountains as well as keep the grass green. 

This an Indian NGO that has a contest every year for villages to create the most water harvesting structures and results have been staggering. In a very short period of time they are able to restore their water cycle and go from deserted landscape to lush and productive agricultural land.


Reforestation incentives
Planting trees at the top of the mountains to help increase soil aggregation increase water retention and provide a source for the rain causing bacteria. However, we also encourage you to watch this video that will challenge the current view of reforestation.    Perhaps we should observe how Nature does it as she has more experience than us humans  https://youtu.be/qW_opcoW8Ts?si=phMjZwcGNSgcZcWD


We believe that the money, effort and time required for any fire restoration project could be better used at restoring the soil and landscape.    Living Ground has the microbes and the ability to be a part of any restoration/rejuvenation project.  Living Ground’s commitment to sustainable landscaping and design extends beyond individual projects. Their work serves as a reminder of the critical importance of nurturing and revitalizing the soil microbiome in our local area and beyond. By doing so, we can contribute to the long-term health of our environment and ensure a more sustainable future for all.




Living Ground has been very busy working with clients to create their dream spaces.   We are creating sustainable landscapes and vibrant ecosystem . Our recent project included a food forest, a medicinal and food spiral garden, a convenient kitchen herbal garden, activiating a pond and water system, and a water-efficient irrigation system from the nearby river.

At the heart of all we do lies a profound understanding and application of the soil’s microbes which enriches the land and enhance its fertility,

In the food forest, the team aimed to mimick the intricate patterns of nature, fostering a biodiverse planting of edible plants and perennials. From towering trees to ground-hugging covers, the food forest will provides sustenance and becomes a thriving habitat for local wildlife.

The spiral garden, while a smaller counterpart to the food forest, is a celebration of both aesthetics and ecology. It efficiently accommodates an array of medicinal and edible plants, promoting a meditative and serene atmosphere, all while nurturing the soil’s microbial life.

Our respect for microbes extended to the creation of kitchen herbal garden, located conveniently close to the house. Here, a spectrum of popular and unusual herbs will provide taste for meals to come.

The pond system was initiated and created to teem with aquatic life and plants.   A special statue creation was made to add to the beauty of this water system.

We even added a new irrigation system, which draws water from a natural rive source.   What excites us about this work is the water can be utilized all over the property and returned to the same source (river) cleaner and healthier (and, of course) full of micorbes.   We imagine setting them off to do their restorative work down river.   This self-sustaining approach minimizes disruptions to the local ecosystem, maintaining water rich in beneficial microorganisms

Permaculture is not just about gardens and farms.    It includes all aspects of living with and mimicking Nature.    Our team even grounded the electrical system of the house for this client.   We do anticipate we will return to this property for the next phase of creating.

While our focus is the earth’s smallest yet most significant inhabitants (the microbes), our services to help clients are expanding in many ways.  Our team is growing and our mission too. 


At Living Ground we are always researching and creating products to help the micriobiome (that includes for the soil and the human).

Introducing a new product that combines the power of bovine colostrum, yogurt, probiotic supplements, and vitamin C to boost your immune system and promote overall health.

GcMAF is a protein that is naturally produced by the body’s immune system. It helps to activate macrophages, which are a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in the immune response. GcMAF has been shown to have a number of potential health benefits, including boosting the immune system, repairing damaged tissue, preventing the growth and spread of viruses and pathogens, reducing inflammation, and protecting against cancer.   While GcMAF is naturally produced by the body, some people may not produce enough of it. This can lead to a weakened immune system and an increased risk of developing chronic diseases.

Our new product is designed to help people boost their GcMAF levels and improve their overall health. It is made with a unique blend of local, fresh bovine colostrum, yogurt, probiotic supplements, and vitamin C. These ingredients have been shown to work synergistically to promote the production of GcMAF.

GcMAF is crucial for a healthy functioning immune system. It repairs damaged tissue, supports the immune system in preventing infections, and helps to fight cancer.  GcMAF stands for Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor. It is a protein that is naturally produced by the body’s immune system. GcMAF helps to activate macrophages, which are a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in the immune response.

GcMAF is not naturally present in blend of bovine colostrum, yogurt, probiotic supplements and vitamin C. However, the cool thing is when these ingredients are combined, they can create an environment that is conducive to the production of GcMAF by the body’s own immune system.

Bovine colostrum contains growth factors that can help to heal and protect the gut lining. This is important because the gut is where most of the body’s immune cells are produced. When the gut is healthy, it can produce more GcMAF.

Yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that live in the gut. Probiotics help to keep the gut healthy and can also help to boost the immune system.   This this we added a powerful Probiotic supplement that contains concentrated amounts of beneficial bacteria. These supplements can help to further improve gut health and boost the immune system.

Finally we added our homemade Vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant that can help to protect the body from damage. Vitamin C can also help to improve immune function.

When these ingredients are combined, they can create a synergistic effect that can help to boost the immune system and promote the production of GcMAF.

Here is a more detailed explanation of how each ingredient can contribute to the production of GcMAF:

  • Bovine colostrum: Colostrum contains growth factors that can help to heal and protect the gut lining. This is important because the gut is where most of the body’s immune cells are produced. When the gut is healthy, it can produce more GcMAF.
  • Yogurt: Yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that live in the gut. Probiotics help to keep the gut healthy and can also help to boost the immune system. When probiotics are present in the gut, they can help to produce more GcMAF.
  • Probiotic supplement: Probiotic supplements contain concentrated amounts of beneficial bacteria. These supplements can help to further improve gut health and boost the immune system. When probiotic supplements are taken, they can help to increase the production of GcMAF.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help to protect the body from damage. Vitamin C can also help to improve immune function. When vitamin C is present in the body, it can help to increase the production of GcMAF.

Colostrum: A Powerful Immune Booster

When you contract a bacterial or “bad guy” illness, your immune system responds by activating NK cells, which attack and destroy the offenders. Colostrum, the fluid produced by new mothers in the first few days after birth, can help support NK cell function and improve your immune response.   People with lower levels of NK cells are more susceptible to the flu. Colostrum can also help to reduce inflammation, improve metabolism, and protect against cancer.  In addition to supporting NK cells, colostrum contains growth factors that can help to heal and protect the gut lining. This can help to reduce symptoms of leaky gut syndrome, which can lead to inflammation and other health problems.

Colostrum also contains antibodies and lactoferrin, which help to maintain a healthy gut microbiome. A healthy microbiome is essential for overall health and well-being.

GcMAF Probiotic Yogurt can help to support overall health by:

  • Normalizing immunity
  • Normalizing bowel function
  • Improving energy levels
  • Improving mental clarity
  • Reducing food allergies
  • Optimizing athletic performance
  • Promoting longevity
  • Anti-carcinogenic

Our GcMAF Probiotic Yogurt is also beneficial for people with compromised immune systems, such as those with:

  • AIDS
  • Allergies
  • Autism spectrum conditions
  • Bacterial infections
  • Cancer
  • Candidiasis
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fungal infections
  • Frequent infections
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Lupus
  • Lyme disease
  • Severe IBS
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Viral infections
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Yeast infections
  • Obesity

If you are looking for a way to improve your overall health and well-being, GcMAF Vitamin C Probiotic Yogurt is a great option to consider. It is a safe and effective way to boost your immune system and support overall health.




September 1, 2023,  marks the one year anniversary for tThe Living Ground Project.   One year ago today, we took over our first microbe compost site.    What a year it has been!

A year ago,  were expecting the gifts….a  Mighty Mike Compost Maker and Slow Speed Tracker …to arrive.  It was an amazing and exciting donation to Living Ground from a USA foundation that beleived in our work.    We acquired a site and began preparing it for for mass producing Microbes.     

The equipment never arrived.   The COVID restrictions and transportation mess made it impossible.    Disappointing!  Subsequently, these machines were donated to Dr Elaine’s (our teacher) in Oregon.  Needless to say, we had no choice than to learn how to mass produce microbes by hand.   And, we perfected the process.   I beleive we are the first SFW students to successfully mass produce Microbe Compost.

Then we considered another local site for operations that was around the corner from our operations.  While it was amazing, it was too expensive!  It was an old delapitated building that was home (dormintory) to highway workers.  The grounds were contaminated.   “Imposssible”, we thought! And, perhaps too big for us?    March of 2023, against all odds and much risk taking, we acquired the site literally saving the land from a gas company.  Now what!  The dream grew tremendously and the work too!

A lot has happened in this last year….really it is a full books worth of changes and experiences:   We’ve gained, lost, challenged, overcome and tried to do our best.   


  1. We’ve had successes (like acquiring the Project Site) and disappointments (facing the challenges of human transformations and staying true to our values and morals).   
  2. We’ve charged ahead with gusto making things happen despite having little means.   We acquired the Project Site.  
  3. We’ve opened our Microbe/Health Air bnb.  This is the beginning of the tourism aspect of the Project.
  4. We’ve showcase our value added microbe grown products in our community.   
  5. We are creating the landscape foundations at the Project Site creating the 2nd market garden and Secret garden. 
  6. We are consulting and transforming lands.
  7. We are creating our educational platforms (online and onsite)  
  8. We are moving forward!    Our fireside chat video (here) explains how we are “doing” all we said we would do!   

Yes, as you can imagine, there is a lot going on is the background.   It is organized chaos! 

As Mama Microbe, I am proud of the team and the supporters (volunteers) who are helping make this happen.   It isn’t easy but each one of us is growing, learning and discovering.   

The Project (whether applied to the physcial or the personal) is rooted in the belief that even the tiniest of beings can create ripples of change.    This statement is one I repeat over and over as a mantra to remind myself that this initiative stands as a testament to the power of human determination, creativity, and purpose.   What can we accomplish when we come together?    Our project is also rooted in the concept of symbiosis (which embraces tension) and we practice respect and honor for the earth and each other.   We often we find ourselves giving more than we recieve.   In today’s world of consciousness, this is going against the grain (or the swing of self-obsession).   It is important!

Personally, I see this project as a canvas of hope, collaboration, and transformation. It’s not just a project; it’s an embodiment of the “little good guy” humans working hand in hand with the “little good guys” of nature – the microbes that lay the foundation for all life.   Although the trend is moving towards understanding microbes (in the human and soil), we have in the palm of our hands a unique mission: to nurture the Earth, empower communities, and foster a new understanding of life itself and mimic the microbes symbiosis.   It is beautiful!

Recently, I had the privilege of witnessing another project, quite similar in purpose.   I was inspired and amazed at this Project and intrigue with how we could cooperate.   We are on a similar path with one key difference – the availability of financial resources.  Honestly, it would be easy to feel deflated or frustrated as the Living Ground Project struggles to bootstrap its way forward, working tirelessly with limited financial means. Yet, within this challenge lies a profound opportunity.   I use my mantra to give me hope!    

I realize that there is a book forming from the stories and experiences we are all having at Living Ground.   The ups and downs, the challenges and discernments are creating a symbiotic tale of what can happen is the little guys come together.   I’ve found myself being too trusting in many situations so that the “team” intervenes to put me back in line.   I’ve been blamed and accused of things that I don’t own.  It is quite a story and one that will be shared one day!  

And, the Living Ground Project isn’t just about the end result; it’s about the journey. It’s about proving that dedication, passion, and resilience can transcend personal and economic barriers. It’s a bold assertion that the “little guys” – whether they’re the microbes in the soil or the humans with dreams – can bring about real change, regardless of the odds stacked against them.

Yes, our financial resources are scarce.  But we are doing it!    The Living Ground Project is rich in heart, spirit, and ingenuity. The Soil Squad team pours their soul into each endeavor, raising the project brick by brick, hand by hand, project by project. Every step is a triumph over adversity, an embodiment of the spirit that refuses to be confined by limitations.

Creativity takes center stage as the project navigates the challenge of acquiring materials while ensuring fair compensation (now and in the future). It’s a dance of innovation and determination, a story of crafting something magical.

And, my intention is real!    My aim is to raise this Project until the leaders are confident and secure.   When this time comes, I will gift it into the hands of good people to continue with the legacy and mission.   I have even thought about moving back to a new Magical Forest.  For those who don’t know me, the Magical Forest was my created home when I arrived in Ecuador where I lived without walls, in a tree house and as self sufficent as I could.   I will return to this space and create my nature living once again.  Perhaps I become the crazy lady in the bush who can mentor the Team from afar?

So I am sharing a little of the “Behind the Scenes”.    We are doing the work with purpose.    We are spreading the microbes.    It is happening.   And as we charge ahead with our mission, the microbes silently work their magic in the soil.  Our greatest ally is these “good little guys”.   Together, we weave a narrative of growth, connection, and transformation.

We don’t have much, but the Living Ground Project isn’t just about resources; it’s about redefining success. It’s about proving that the impact of an initiative isn’t solely measured in economics. It’s about leaving an indelible mark on hearts and landscapes, about fostering a community that understands the language of the Earth and the unity of life.

This is about realizing the truth about who we are!   We are more than just humans. We are mostly microbes. Trillions of these microscopic allies reside within our very beings, shaping our existence.  Just as every note in a symphony contributes to the grand melody, every microbe within us harmonizes with the greater whole. These tiny creatures are the unseen architects of vitality, creating ecosystems of unparalleled complexity. Their currencies are nutrients, energy flows, and the exchange of information that shapes the very fabric of life.

In a world often driven by economic systems, the microcosm within us and around us serves as a living testament to a different way of thriving. It’s a profound reminder that the sustenance of life need not be tethered to monetary transactions. Rather, it relies on the elegant dance of ecosystems, the generosity of nature, and the sacred balance that honors the interconnectedness of all beings.

So, as the Living Ground Project marches forward, remember that every step is a triumph over adversity. Every brick laid, every hand extended, every project undertaken is a testament to the unwavering spirit that knows no boundaries. It’s a beacon of hope for all “little good guys,” showing that with heart, determination, and a touch of magic, they can transform the world.

The Living Ground Project is not just a project – it’s a legacy in the making, a living testament to the potential of the “little guys” who dare to dream big.

To Nic, Tamar, Ian and Jimini, I love you dearly!   You are all such adorable misfits.   I ask for your forgiveness in where I fail and your patience as I, too, grow and learn.   One year….one year…and so much has happened.    I adore you!


Now for a photo story of the past year1

I commit and dedicate myself to this work…. it is needed and important for you and those that come behind us!   This is for Kaya!


Recently, I embarked on a journey to the Ecuadorian seaside.  The purpose was to write.  Living Ground is creating our education platform to share our knowledge and self-reliance, health and microbes.  We are creating courses on Microbe Compost, Growing Food and Medicine, Layperson’s Guide to Live Blood Analysis, Alternative Protocols, Kitchen Alchemy, and a comprehensive herbal guide.

I wrote!  I wrote a lot.  Amid this ocean waves sound track, a newfound inspiration surged within me, prompting me to embark on a profound new idea that is perhaps uncharted  in thought and creation (to the best of my knowledge)   

I found myself meticulously crafting the herbal course and it underwent a transformative evolution. I’ve selected 43 herbs, each possessing universal adaptability (can grow anywhere) and have detailed their potent medicinal properties and cultivation methods.  I created characters for the herbs giving them a creation story with a special microbe..the symbiotic relationship.

Yet, the journey didn’t end there; it evolved into a deeper inquiry into the symbiotic relationship between these plants and the microbial world.   Those who know me know I am enthralled by the intricate dance between flora and microbes, I also found myself exploring and writing about the delicate equilibrium that shapes our ecosystem and human microbiome.    It was exhilarating  to say the least and I wrote over 250 pages during my coastal sojourn.  I beleive it is maybe 1/2 complete.

The comprehensive manual for the layperson’s Live Blood Analysis course nears completion, awaiting only the addition of visual aids to enhance its depth. The magnum opus of Microbe Compost, an exploration into the art and science of enriching soil vitality,  is in the final stages of formatting. Equally enthralling is sharing my collection of natural health protocols and terrain theory insights, including a treasury of herbal recipes that bridge the realms of health and culinary alchemy.

As these projectss are slowly reaching their fruition.   It is a labour of love!

Our aspiration is to extend this wealth of knowledge to others.   So, Online platforms will soon offer the courses.

Yet, as much as we embrace the digital age, we hold steadfast to the belief that the most profound learning occurs through tangible experiences. With open arms, we will be able to invite learners, students and seekers to our Project Site, where hands-on engagement breathes life into the written word.   It is slowly and surely coming together.  I am grateful for Mama Sea and the Soil Squad who held down the fort amazingly.    It is a blessing to be working with such generous and kind people!

Our ultimate mission is to send ripples of transformation far and wide, just like a drop in the boundless ocean, as we share the fruits of our labor with a world thirsting for knowledge and healing.

We have an array of lovingly handcrafted products that cater to your well-being. From Bug Off Serums that effectively repel pesky insects to herbal whipped butters, salsas, and vitamin C jams, each creation is a testament to our commitment to excellence and quality. Indulge your taste buds with our mouthwatering curries that celebrate the art of culinary flavors.

As the beginnings of our Natural Health Food Store Pod, we aim to offer our community a variety of amazing products that embody the essence of holistic well-being. However, our secret ingredient lies within the microbes of our soil, which we carefully farm to ensure the highest nutritional value in all our plants.

Join us in this journey of regenerative agriculture and discover the wonders of microbe-rich foods, inspired by the abundance and wisdom of the Earth. Together, we can create a sustainable future and nurture a thriving community dedicated to holistic health and well-being.    To learn more about the nutrition loss, here is a great article https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-aND-NUTRITION-LOSS/

At Living Ground, we are on a mission to restore the balance between our bodies and the Earth through nurturing the soil and harnessing the potential of beneficial microbes. Our Saturday market serves as a celebration of this vision, where we invite you to experience the joys of living in harmony with nature while nourishing your body and soul with our thoughtfully crafted offerings.

Microbe Tourism

Welcome to our guest house, where you can experience and learn about the soil microbes and the need for our optimal health and wellness.   Book your stay today!

Health Tourism

As our guest, you can also do a liver blood test and receive a protocol with ingredients (medicines and food) fresh or alchemized from our land.






Perfect Experience




For Healing Experiences



To enquire about availability, please fill in the form below or email info@livingground.art.   Indicate the dates you would like to stay.    If you need to cancel, please let us know.    Our space is special!   You can also see more on our Air BnB


We offer amazing services and products


Need additional assistance? Please contact us:



Check out is 11 am

Check in is 3 pm



Please take 5 minutes to answer our survey/poll.   The information we gather will help us in our creation phase.   We appreciate you very much!

The Soil Squad

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To stay informed….

Sign up for our communications network





Sacred Commerce Workshop April 29-30

Are you curious about what Living Ground Project is all about?    Are you wondering how to get involved and/or support the Project?

We invite you to our base-line workshop where we dive into the creation of Living Ground, it’s purpose, mission, values and the lego blocks of the creative intentions.    This is a 2-day workshop that is also an event to help with the financial support required to begin the lift off.

Last week, we legally acquired the Project Site located in Masanamaca.   This is a one hectare land with a very large 1000 m2 building.   Our vision for this site is for it to become the Microbe Education and Tourism headquarters for Ecuador (and even South America).    The business model is is a creative construction of values and intentions to place people before profits through collaboration and interdependent “pods”.    

This workshop is a invitation for all locals to learn, discover and possibily get involved.    Day 2 is optional for those who are inspired and wish to go deeper into collaboration.   We are sharing the concept of sacred commerce, the measurement of success and intending to raise leaders in the Project’s purpose.

We, the Soil Squad, do feel this is a Project for World Changers!    We have the concept, the project site and the plan!    You are officially welcomed to join us and let’s change the world!

To discover why this project is important in the climate of today’s world, here are 30 base reasons (and we can find more)

Please RSVP to info@livingground.art or whatsapp 0988771568.    We are “looking forward” and excited about this gathering.Workshop Details on our website


In Gratitude!

The creation process has begun.   Our first mission is to lay the foundation of microbes and gardens on the Project site.   We are planning out the special gardens that will include a “secret garden” and a fully opertational Market Garden.     We are decorating the site with rare, unusual and special trees as well.   

Microbe Compost

Our Microbe Compost is ready.   As we regularly check all our compost with the microscope, we are confident all the good guys are home.   We are very proud of our Ecuadorian team who have been learning, studying and labouring in the Microbe Compost creation.   They care for the piles like their own children.    We are sharing the microscope skills with them too so that one day, they can monitor and measure success on their own.   To purchase our compost, please visit HERE or contact Nic to place an order.   We are also selling matured Organic Matter in blends (perfect food for the microbes), microbe extracts and teas (specially made to order to ensure they are aerobic) and we are actively consulting with land owners to spread the magic of the microbes. 

Rising of the Microbe Coop Basket POD

One market garden is already in full production and we are gearing up to offer weekly baskets of microbe grown food to our customers.   This offering will be available in May.    Our baskets will include a mixture of greens, herbs, vegetables, fruits inlcuding berries, gourmet dressings and samples of gourmet products made from microbe grown plants.     To register for this program and enjoy the nutritious harvests, please email Jimini

Microbe & Health Tourism

One of the PODS of the Living Ground Project is to establish tourism for those interested in health and microbes.    We have been busy working on a “launch” site for this offering and will be ready very, very soon to offer tourism and health packages to the world.    The Project Site has huge possibility for this POD with the potential to create comfortable rooms for both individuals and families.   It is our intention to launch our “test” in the month of May.   This space will include all tools necessary for a healing, health and educational experience for both locals and internationals.


Living Ground, Suelo Vivo   www.livingground.art  email:  info@livingground.art